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Why Bitcoin standard would reduce wars compared to fiat standard?

Posted by Swiss Hodler on Oct 7, 2024 5:22:54 PM


This assumption is based on several theoretical and practical points.

1. Limitation on Money Printing

Fiat Standard:

Governments can print money to fund wars without immediate fiscal constraints. This ability to create money out of thin air has historically enabled extensive military spending.

Bitcoin Standard:

Bitcoin's fixed supply (21 million coins) prevents arbitrary money creation. Governments would need to fund wars through taxation or borrowing, making the costs of war more transparent and potentially less politically feasible.

2. Economic Restraint

Fiat Standard:

The ability to print money can lead to reckless spending, including on military engagements. The lack of immediate financial repercussions makes it easier for governments to engage in prolonged conflicts.

Bitcoin Standard:

With limited monetary expansion, governments would face greater economic restraint. The immediate impact on national finances could act as a deterrent to unnecessary or prolonged military engagements.

3. Public Accountability

Fiat Standard:

Central banks and governments can obscure the true cost of war through inflation and debt accumulation, which the general public does not (immediately) perceive.

Bitcoin Standard:

The need to raise funds through direct taxation or borrowing would make the costs of war more visible to the public, (potentially) increasing resistance to unnecessary conflicts.

4. International Trade and Peace

Fiat Standard:

Currency manipulation and competitive devaluations can lead to economic tensions between countries, escalating into military conflicts.

Bitcoin Standard:

A neutral, global currency like Bitcoin could reduce these economic tensions, promoting stability and cooperation.

Tags: Bitcoin, Growth, Marketing, Bitfluencers

Growth is a Fiat Concept

Posted by Swiss Hodler on Oct 7, 2024 3:34:33 AM


We’ve been brainwashed to believe that growth is everything. More is always better. But this idea of endless growth? It’s a product of the fiat monetary system. In a world where money loses value as we speak ("thanks to" central banks printing money out of thin air), growth isn’t just encouraged - it’s necessary to keep up with the ever-growing inflation. It’s like running on a treadmill that keeps speeding up. If you don’t grow, you fall behind. 😵

But what if the money wasn’t broken? What if your wealth held its value over time? In that world, the constant pressure to grow wouldn’t exist. You wouldn’t need to chase after more and more just to maintain your standard of living. The pursuit of endless growth is a byproduct of the flawed fiat system - a system designed to keep us working harder for less, and to make us poorer and poorer.


We're not saying all growth is bad. Take marketing, for example. It’s often seen as part of the problem, pushing us to buy more, consume more. You know the quote, "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

When it comes to Bitcoin, marketing is crucial. It’s not about selling more stuff we don’t need - it’s about spreading the word, orange-pilling people to understand what Bitcoin is and how it can fix the world.

Without marketing, the message of Bitcoin would stay stuck in a small corner of the internet. Marketing helps bring it to the masses, showing normies that there’s a viable alternative to the broken fiat system.

It’s not about pushing more consumption - it’s about education and awareness, and spreading a message of financial freedom 🧡

How Bitfluencers Can Help?

At Bitfluencers, we amplify this message by helping Bitcoin companies spread the orange word and boost adoption.

With our authentic and engaging content, we bring Bitcoin’s revolutionary ideas to the forefront, making sure the world knows there's a better alternative to the fiat treadmill.

Contact THE Bitcoin Marketing Team for collaboration 🤝



Tags: Bitcoin, Growth, Marketing, Bitfluencers